What’s wrong with the Aegean Sea?


Pollution in the Aegean Sea has a significant impact on biodiversity change in the region. Here are some main issues:


Chemical pollutants such as petroleum substances, pesticides and industrial wastewater can kill or weaken marine life. This could lead to a decline in the population of fish, crustaceans and other creatures that are crucial to the marine ecosystem.


Oil spills and other pollutants can contaminate coastal areas, including wetlands, beaches and coral reefs. This, in turn, affects the habitats of many species of marine animals and plants, which may lead to their disappearance.

Marine Fauna

Pollution can lead to disease and deformities in marine life. Seabirds, marine mammals and fish are particularly vulnerable to this threat.

Marine Ecosystems

Pollution affects the structure and functions of marine ecosystems. This, in turn, may weaken the ability of ecosystems to provide ecosystem services such as water filtration and protection against coastal erosion.

Food Chains

Chemicals can accumulate in marine organisms and move along the food chain. This means that predators at the top of the food chain, such as sharks and large seabirds, can accumulate large amounts of toxins, threatening their health and populations.