What can be done to keep the air clean in Greece?(group 5)

In order to obtain energy, use renewable energy sources, In homes, you can switch to burning, for example, fruit or vegetable seeds. Pellets can also be used for fuel. Install solar panels, which are a very good way to obtain energy in Greece, due to the good light conditions.

  • Switch to a bike, try not to move by car, as a last resort use public transport. Greece encourages mountain trails and not only to overcome by bicycle.
  • It will be a good idea to install solar collectors in homes that will heat the water.
  • Avoid waste incineration, choose products intended for this. It is particularly important not to do this in places not intended for this, e.g. in meadows or forests, because you can lead to the destruction of habitats of various rare animals or plants.

It is worth mentioning the initiative taken in 2013 by the people of Athens (which is the capital of Greece) – Green initiatives in Athens.

Despite the difficult situation, grassroots initiatives are emerging in the country that aim to work towards a more “utopian” future for Greece in the European Union. Particular emphasis is placed on eco-innovation, in which Greece is developing rapidly.

Ozan Tekin – Turkish journalist and photographer based in Malmo, presents the profiles of Nea Guinea, Open Ecology, Spithari and theSwitch – four community projects focusing on sustainable development, ecology and NGOs promoting environmental protection.

There are many eco-communities in the country that focus on sustainability, self-sufficiency and environmental protection both in Athens and outside the city.

Environmental groups:

  • organize theoretical and practical workshops on topics from a very wide range – from green architecture, through soap making, to renewable energy sources
  • leave the cities and move to the suburbs of Athens, creating new eco-communities
  • exchange views in the open air – such a procedure allows for genuine democratic decision-making and ensures better results